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mission control 【宇航】太空飛行指揮中心。

mission creep

From left : u . s . astronauts john phillips and leroy chiao watch as i - talian astronaut roberto vittori and russian cos - monaut salizhan sharipov embrace each other on board the interna - tional space station as seen during a televised linkup with the russian mission control in korolyov near moscow on sunday , april 17 , 2005 in this image taken from a video screen 4月17日,俄羅斯首都莫斯科郊外科羅廖夫地面控制中心的電視畫面顯示,意大利宇航員維托里與俄羅斯宇航員沙里波夫在國際空間站內緊緊擁抱,畫面中左邊兩個人是美國宇航員菲利普斯(左一)和焦立中。

We also have a morning conference with our teams on the ground at mission control in houston , texas , the operations control center , in huntsville , alabama and russian mission control in moscow . each control center prepares questions for us about our work or sends us new tasks 早晨,我們還要同我們在得克薩斯州休斯敦控制中心、亞拉巴馬州亨茨維爾操作控制中心和莫斯科俄羅斯控制中心的陸地工作隊舉行會議,每個控制中心都要向我們提出有關我們工作的問題,或者給我們安排新任務。

While in houston , he supported mission training for astronauts in the shuttle engineering simulation laboratory , helped build space station components and the mission control training facilities , and worked on the ap101s general purpose computer for the space shuttle . please take a moment to complete this form to help us better serve you 在休斯頓的那段時間,他支持航天飛機工程模擬( shuttle engineering simulation , ses )實驗室的太空人訓練計劃,幫助構建了空間站的組件和訓練控制設備,并從事了用于航天飛機的ap101s通用計算機( gpc )的項目。

While in houston , he supported mission training for astronauts in the shuttle engineering simulation laboratory , helped build space station components and the mission control training facilities , and worked on the ap101s general purpose computer for the space shuttle . please take a moment to complete this form to help us better serve you 在nasa的johnson space center工作的那段時間,他支持航天飛機工程模擬( shuttle engineering simulation , ses )實驗室的太空人訓練計劃,幫助構建了空間站的組件,并從事了用于航天飛機的ap101s通用計算機( gpc )的項目。

Darmstadt , germany ( ap ) - - europe ' s first spacecraft to the moon ended its three - year mission sunday by crashing into the lunar surface in a volcanic plane called the lake of excellence , to a round of applause in the mission control room in germany 達姆施塔特,德國(美聯社)歐洲首架宇宙飛船在星期天到達月球從而結束了它3年的任務通過撞入月球表面的一個為稱為卓越之湖的象火山口的平面,在德國的任務控制中心一陣歡騰。

Darmstadt , germany ( ap ) - - europe ' s first spacecraft to the moon ended its three - year mission sunday by crashing into the lunar surface in a volcanic plane called the lake of excellence , to a round of applause in the mission control room in germany 達姆施塔特,德國( ap ) - -周六,歐洲第一艘月球航天器撞擊了月球表面的一個名為完美之湖的火山口,由此完成了它長達三年的使命.與此同時,位于德國的控制室里響起一片掌聲

Darmstadt , germany ( ap ) - - europe ' s first spacecraft to the moon ended its three - year mission sunday by crashing into the lunar surface in a volcanic plane called the lake of excellence , to a round of applause in the mission control room in germany 達姆施塔特,德國(美聯社消息)歐洲第一艘探月飛船以墜毀在月球上的號稱完美之湖的火山口上而結束了其三年的任務,同時設在德國的控制室里傳來一陣掌聲。

Darmstadt , germany ( ap ) - - europe ' s first spacecraft to the moon ended its three - year mission sunday by crashing into the lunar surface in a volcanic plane called the lake of excellence , to a round of applause in the mission control room in germany 歐洲首架探月飛行器周日撞擊月球表面一片名為“完美之湖“的火山平原,結束了其長達3年的探月任務,德國監控室里掌聲一片

Europe ' s first spacecraft to the moon ended its three - year mission sunday by crashing into the lunar surface in a volcanic plane called the lake of excellence , to a round of applause in the mission control room in germany 歐洲第一艘飛月太空船于周日撞擊了月球表面一塊名為“卓越湖”的火山平原,從而結束了其長達三年的探月使命,位于德國的任務監控室里掌聲一片。

If something is deemed a significant risk , houston ' s mission control , in concert with its counterpart in moscow , will alter the iss ' s orbit by a couple kilometers , just enough to reduce the probability of collision 如果該物體被認為具有相當的危險性,休士頓的任務控制中心與在莫斯科的控制中心協調確認后,會將國際太空站的軌道調整個幾公里,以減少撞擊的可能性。

Europe ' s first spacecraft to the moon ended its three - year mission sunday by crashing into the lunar surface in a volcanic plain called the lake of excellence , to a round of applause in the mission control room in germany 周日,歐洲首架探月航空器結束了三年探月之旅,成功擊中月球表面的“卓越湖”火山平原,此消息讓德國的地面控制大廳里爆發出熱烈的掌聲。

After joining the cospas - sarsat in 1992 , china established the chinese mission control center , thus greatly improving the capability of the emergency alarm service for ships , aircraft and vehicles 中國在1992年加入了國際低軌道搜索和營救衛星組織,以后還建立了中國任務控制中心,大大提高了船舶、飛機和車輛遇險報警服務能力。

Moreover , mars - bound astronauts will not always be able to rely on instructions from mission control , since it would take nearly a half - hour for a question to be asked and an answer to come back via radio 尤其,飛往火星的太空人,不能永遠靠任務控制中心的指示,因為光是提個問題再透過無線電回答,就要將近半個小時。

“ that ' s it - - we are in the lake of excellence , “ said spacecraft operations chief octavio camino as applause broke out in mission control in darmstadt , germany . “ we have landed . 位于德國達姆施塔特的控制中心爆發出熱烈掌聲,探測器地面指揮所負責人奧克塔唯奧?卡米諾說: “成功了!我們撞上了卓越湖區!我們著陸了! ”

Officials with the us space agency has ordered the shuttle endeavor to return to earth tuesday one day ahead of schedule because of weather concerns at mission control in huston , taxes 美國航天局已經命令奮進號航天飛機周二返回地球,由于考慮到位于德州休斯頓的航天控制中心的天氣問題,奮進號比計劃提前一天返航。

Officials with the u . s . base space agency have ordered the shuttle endeavourin diver to return to earth tuesday , one day ahead of schedule , because of weather concerns that mission control in huston , texas 德克薩斯休斯敦航天控制中心出于對氣候的擔憂,美國航天局隨即下令奮進號航天飛機在周二提前一天返回地球。

The first chinese astronaut accomplished his mission with great success , and with great flair - while orbiting past midnight on 16 october , he told mission control that he felt “ good “ 身為中國第一位進入太空的宇航員,楊利偉不但順利完成任務,十月十六日凌晨與地面控制中心通話時,更表示感覺良好。

If we cannot prove that it ' s safe , than we don ' t want to go there , “ deputy shuttle program manager wayne hale told reporters at mission control in houston 如果我們不能保證航天飛行的安全,我們就不會讓航天飛機進入太空, ”航天飛機飛行任務副總管維恩?黑爾在位于休斯敦的地面控制中心接受記者采訪時說。

Officials with the u . s . space agency have ordered the shuttle endeavour to return to earth tuesday , one day ahead of schedule , because of weather concerns at mission control in houston , texas 德克薩斯休斯敦航天控制中心出于對氣候的擔憂,美國航天局隨即下令奮進號航天飛機在周二提前一天返回地球。